Tuesday, July 20, 2010 |
Friday Night Green Fights II |

A fairly classic event, in plein air, with the dumpster making once side of the ring, and the granite curb the other. We used pink chalk to outline Marquis of Queensberry style our lines of battle. Dave squared off against Chris, read Provenance went up against Greensaw, and they fought a fairly equitable battle.

It's a well-known fact around Greensaw that Dave's Facebook animal turns out to be the hummingbird, and he did his animal totem justice in the ring. Chris meanwhile was a bear waking up from hibernation, eager to mix it up.

Dave is certainly the happiest boxer around, again staying true to his animal totem. He never turns down a fight, to his immense credit.

We made an appeal for ringcard girls. Lindsay and Mia thought about it ... nah.

Instead, Mia wanted to fight.

She tried to convince Jay to strip down to his undies and be the ringcard guy but he wasn't having it. Although it should be noted, he has yet to put on the gloves...

Mia fought a good fight, and fairly kicked my ass.

She's got a wicked jab.

And managed to keep just out of reach of mine.

In the end I'd tell the world to watch out. She's vicious in the ring.
Meanwhile Jay and Dave used the propane tank to get the fire lit. We call it the modern-day Boy Scouts.

We tried to get get Lynne and Lindsay to jump in there, but Lynne said she's waiting for the mud wrestling, and Lindsay had a trip to North Carolina planned.
So Phil didn't show up - he was still in court was his excuse. So I got to fight the 230-pounder from Provenance.

He can give and take a punch, I'll tell you that.

And afterwards, it was the evening, with the smell of sweat, beer, and the dead possum from the Mercer site wrapped up in a garbage bag somewhere in the dumpster filling the air. |
posted by Brendan Jones @ 7:02 AM   |
A blog addressing the importance of re-using material, and building with existing structures. A strong emphasis on architectural salvage, as well as the people that make the difficult work possible. |
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Name: Brendan Jones
Home: Philadelphia, PA, United States
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Greensaw is dedicated to using architectural salvage to enhance modern living spaces. We respect history, our environment, and the material with which we work. We recognize our clients as partners in the process of using old to build new. |
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